Enneagram Business Amplifier

Power Your Business with Personality in 6 Weeks


The Enneagram Business Amplifier (EBA) is not just another standard business program; it's a transformative 6-week journey that empowers you to align your personal strengths with your business vision, attracting ideal clients with ease and having a successful business you jump out of bed for based on your personality.

The key to unlocking your business's true potential lies within YOU.


Do you?

Find yourself constantly seeking a silver bullet in your business to solve every problem at once?

Search outside of yourself for solutions, getting shiny object syndrome every 33 seconds? 

Tick all the boxes, do the ‘right things’, yet still feel like something is missing?  

Constantly think about everything you should be doing, but never consider who you need to BE in your business?

Wish there was that perfect blueprint to follow to make your business successful?

The Enneagram Business Amplifier (EBA) is the key to unlocking your personal strengths and aligning them with your business vision.


What if you could find your own blueprint?

What if the REAL point of difference for your business is YOU?


This program helps you understand what truly makes you, YOU, and leverages that knowledge to amplify your business success.

After the 6-week journey with EBA, you will emerge with:

The confidence to show up and be yourself in all aspects of your business.

The magnetic ability to attract clients you actually want to work with.

A feeling of being lit up and over the moon when working in your business.

The ability to book out your business with ideal clients with more ease.

Achieve financial success in a way that feels exciting for your personality.

A level of empowerment you’ve never had before, from knowing all the parts of your personality deeply, and how to play to your strengths.

However, the Enneagram Business Amplifier is NOT for everyone. This program may not be for you if:

You believe that strategy alone is enough to run a successful business.

You’re not ready to look at the patterns that have potentially been holding you back 

You're not open and willing to implement changes.

You're not ready to dive deep and truly understand yourself and others.

But, if you're ready for an approach that aligns your personal strengths with your business strategy, then it's time to join the Enneagram Business Amplifier.


In just 6 weeks, you can shift your mindset from seeking external solutions to discovering the power within.

The journey to understanding and amplifying your unique personality in business begins here.


Confronting, insightful
and amazing

“I already knew my Enneagram type but wanted a real in depth look at it specific to me. Having a coach who has expertise in this area means I didn't have to spend a lot of time researching myself. It was fascinating. I felt like I was already a fairly self aware person but it gave me a real insight into myself from other perspectives that I may not have otherwise realised.”




What is included:

The Enneagram Business Amplifier EBA program includes:

1 x iEQ9 Questionnaire, that takes approximately 25-40mins to complete.

1 x iEQ9 Standard Report (22 pages), which includes your basic enneagram profile (type, subtype, tricentric style, social and conflict style, stress and strain, integration level) ($80)

1 x 60 min one-on-one Coaching Session to deep dive into your Enneagram profile in depth. (Valued at $247)


6 x Weekly interactive workshops and hot seat coaching to ensure you are getting support for your specific business needs and personality type

⁍ Downloadable workbooks for each module

⁍ Lifetime access to replays of all the calls to allow you to rewatch whenever you desire. 

⁍ Access to a community of like-minded business women for networking and support.

Voice Memo support to have back pocket support in between calls 3 days per week.


 The Enneagram Business Amplifier isn't just another business course. It's a personal journey to a more successful YOU in business. It's about turning your individual strengths into an unshakeable foundation for your business.

Join the Enneagram Business Amplifier now and start your journey to a more powerful, personalised approach to business.


Your investment for this program is $797AUD

or 3 x Monthly Payments of $270



Your business is a reflection of you.

Make it powerful!


What we will be covering in our 6 weeks together…

In just 6 weeks, you can shift your mindset from seeking external solutions to discovering the power within. The journey to understanding and amplifying your unique personality in business begins here.

Module 1: Understanding Your Enneagram Type

Module 2: Leveraging Your Strengths and Addressing Blindspots

Module 3: Creating a Successful Business Model

Module 4: Effective Communication, Coaching, and Feedback

Module 5: Attracting and Serving Your Ideal Clients

Module 6: Enneagram-Informed Marketing and Messaging

  • In this Module you will learn about not only your own personality, but also all about everyone else’s! Ever have a moment when you think “why on earth would they do that?” - well, after this module, it will all make sense. This is the start of a beautiful relationship with your business so you can work to your strengths and find clients and team who match it.

  • In this Module you will learn your unique strengths, values, what holds you back and how to harness this knowledge in your business. Whenever someone asks “What makes you different compared to all the other coaches, healer, VA’s (enter what it is you do here)?” you’ll be able to do this with enough confidence to shout it from the rooftops.

  • In this Module you will learn about building a business model that suits your personality type and how to effectively hire the right people that are going to optimise your business. If you’ve ever felt that you had to do X be successful, be it a group program, 1:1 or membership, have a team of 10 to be successful but that sounds like the worst plan ever! Let’s get you working in your business with a structure that suits YOU so your business can feel more easeful and less like you are pushing a boulder up a hill on a foggy day with zero chance of a nice view in site!

  • In this Module you will learn how you and others communicate to build strong relationships, you will also learn how to understand how others like being coached/given feedback. Understanding those around you will give you the skills to treat everyone the way they desire and in turn they will feel seen, heard and valued - hello repeat clients and long-term employees!

  • In this Module you will learn who your ideal client is based on their personality, values, needs, and aspirations. We will not, I repeat, we will not be talking about where your ideal clients lives, how many kids they have or if they eat porridge or toast for breakfast. This is a big call I know, but I will almost guarantee you haven’t looked at your ideal client like this before.

  • In this Module you will learn about how to use the knowledge you have learnt from the prior modules to incorporate more of YOU and your personality into your marketing and messaging. Knowing YOU, your values and how to speak to what is your REAL point of difference will support you to stand out in a crowd. You’ll also be able to tweak your marketing so that you attract and connect with who you actually want to work with.


Insightful, eye-opening and inspired

“Learning my Enneagram increased my self-awareness and gave me a truer understanding of what makes me tick. Helping me to lean into those elements that help me shine and become increasingly aware of what doesn't light me up. And rather than push through this, I understand that some things just won't be suited to me or it may not bring out the best in me.”





  • EBA is ideally suited for service-based businesses where you are the brand and clients buy services provided by you, such as life/business coaching, virtual assisting, healing, website design, social media management and more. If you run a traditional brick-and-mortar business, sell products, or work as a consultant/manager and desire support, I offer 1:1 coaching. For inquiries, please email

  • The calls will be held on Thursdays at 11 am AEST (9am AWST) starting the 31st of August 2023. There will also be two bonus coaching only calls that are after hours for those who cannot make the Thursday sessions.

  • No worries! Replays of the workshops will be available for you to watch at your convenience. Additionally, you will have access to WhatsApp three days a week for any questions or support you may need in between calls.

  • Ideally, it's best to schedule your 1:1 coaching early in the program. Before diving into the first module, I recommend completing the Enneagram questionnaire to make the most of the program

  • Ideally, allocate around 2 hours to attend each workshop/coaching session and implement tweaks to your business. If you are short on time, you can simply jump on the call for coaching and leave when necessary. Alternatively, you can submit a question, and I will answer it during the call and you’ll be able to watch when you have the capacity

  • Send me a message, I have a special code for all of my past clients

  • This is the only time I will be running it in 2023 and it wont be until at least Feb/March 2024 if I do run it again. It also might not be in the format it is now. If finances are the reason you cannot invest in this round, please send me an email at and let’s see if we can make something work.

  • Feel free to email me at, and I'll be more than happy to answer any additional questions you have.


Who am I?

I am Sam, a mum of two boys, living with my husband and labradoodle on the NW coast of Tasmania, the island state of Australia.

I spent too many years struggling to accept myself, wishing I was different and thinking I needed to be more confident to be successful. When I first learnt about the Enneagram back in 2017 the way it explored why I was making the decisions I was and what was holding me back I was amazed. It was like someone had opened me up and was reading me like a book. 

I am a coach who specialises in supporting you to understand who you are, embrace your strengths and gain a level of inner confidence thats helps you show up and thrive in your life and business!

I cannot wait to work with you in EBA x
