How do I find out my Enneagram Type?


Self identification of your enneagram type can be done by looking at the core motivations and fears of each type and choosing the one that fits you best. You may see yourself in all types to varying degrees, however you can only have one core type over your lifetime.

Knowing that for some choosing your type can be as simple as reading a description and for others it can take time to become really aware of patterns that may have shown up in your life. 

If you read through the descriptions below and resonate with more than one then I suggest you pick your top 2-3 and start to bring awareness when you make your decision throughout the day which one resonates with you most.  

Type 1 - Strict Perfectionist 

Core Motivation: Need to be good or right. 

Core Fear: Being criticised

Doing the right thing, avoiding mistakes and working towards self-improvement and self-control. Strong sense of ‘right’ and ‘wrong’, believing that things are not worth doing if not done correctly. Strong inner critic who criticises everything they do, they don’t need any extra from others so will avoid doing things if they feel others will criticise them.

Type 2 - Considerate Helper 

Core Motivation: Need to be liked and appreciated

Core Fear: Being unlovable

Being helpful and dependable, providing the needs of others, anticipating people's needs. Self-worth is based on how much they invest in the ability to be supportive and reliably available to people close to them to avoid rejection and feeling unloved. 

Type 3 - Competitive Achiever 

Core Motivation: Need to outshine the rest 

Core Fear: Being worthless

Achieving goals, presenting an image that supports what success means to them, being productive and always performing at their best. Their action-orientation and ambition combine to push them towards getting things done and achieving success in life to avoid feeling worthless. May avoid tasks they feel they won't succeed in. 

Type 4 - Intense Creative 

Core Motivation: Need to be unique and authentic

Core Fear: Being ordinary

Being authentic and expressing individuality, being attuned and true to your emotions, making a difference. Deep connection to emotions with a desire to live a meaningful, authentic life of self expression. Place energy into being unique and to avoid being like everyone else. 

Type 5 - Quiet Specialist 

Core Motivation: Need to understand

Core Fear: Looking foolish

Making sense of the world conserving resources avoiding dependence, pursuit of knowledge. In trying to objectively understand the world they explore concepts and acquire in-depth knowledge. They avoid speaking up if they believe they do not know enough on a topic to avoid looking foolish and preferring to observe. 

Type 6 - Loyal Sceptic 

Core Motivation: Need to be safe and belong

Core Fear: Being unprepared

Creating stability and safety, protecting yourself, avoiding threats and risk, being loyal and responsible. Very aware of threats and what can go wrong, are careful about who they trust and work towards creating safety and stability. Being over prepared in others minds is being under prepared in theirs. 

Type 7 - Enthusiastic Visionary  

Core Motivation: Need to experience it all and avoid pain

Core Fear: Being limited

Avoiding boredom and pain, experiencing the possibilities of life, pursuing interests, pleasure and freedom. Actively seeking enjoyment and simulation they are future-focused, active and have a positive approach to life. Avoid feeling limited by struggling to make or keep commitments and preferring the ability to change their mind. 

Type 8 - Active Controller 

Core Motivation: Need to be in control and be strong

Core Fear: Being vulnerable

Being strong and in control, avoiding weakness and vulnerability, making things happen, making decisions. You expand your influence by firmly taking charge of situations and by focusing on results and not holding back. 

Type 9 - The Peacemaker  

Core Motivation: Need to keep the balance

Core fear: Being in conflict

Promoting harmony and peace, getting input from others, creating comfort and routines, avoiding conflict. You value being understanding and accepting. You strive for a peaceful existence and stability, preferring to avoid conflict. Belief is that life would be better if everyone got along. 

Some individuals find that they feel pulled equally to multiple types and can struggle to identify their core type, this is where working with an Enneagram Coach would be beneficial. If you would like support in learning your type, please check out how to work with me here.


Hi, I’m Sam

I’m a qualified Mindset Life Coach and an Accredited Enneagram Practitioner and I am passionate about supporting my clients to understand and truly embrace all aspects of themselves. 

I look forward to supporting you on your journey to Embracing your Enneagram.